Friday, 20 June 2014

4 Top Risks in Healthcare IT

Friday, 20 June 2014 - by Unknown 0

4 Top Risks in Healthcare IT

Healthcare IT is progressing by leaps and bounds. The advancement in technology has helped doctors and hospitals to streamline their operations and improve their efficiency. This is achieved by reduced dependence on paper and increased preference for automation. However, technology comes with its own set of unique risks. Hackers continually hack into vulnerable systems to exploit weaknesses.

Customer data protection and privacy are at stake. While there are numerous risks facing healthcare IT, some top ones occupy the prime position.

Four risks in healthcare IT
1. Incompatible operating system
Every IT technology needs an operating system to function. Without it, they are just dead hardware. Operating systems are continually updated regularly and older versions are seldom supported. The big hindrance towards operating system compatibility is that many smaller organizations do not have the wherewithal or the budget to update to the latest versions. They also have a lazy attitude towards IT maintenance. All these factors make them very vulnerable to hacking and other exploits.

2. Browser weakness
As software needs to be continuously online in order to function, the strength of the browser is a vital factor. However, browsers in vulnerable systems fail to act as a vanguard against online infections. There are many reported cases where hackers were able to inject malicious code into the browsers to exploit vulnerable systems. Even if the users are not making extensive use of such browsers, their mere presence is enough to raise the risk level.

3. Electronic records
Electronic records are not always fool-proof and prone to external and internal data theft. Many times third-party applications that jeopardize the system security are used without restraint. This makes organizations IT system prone to security risks. The one solution for this problem is to use sophisticated hospital information systems, which have inbuilt support for almost all the regular functions. In the meantime, hospitals should conduct constant monitoring of all devices and systems in order to detect any breaches.

4. Inside threat levels
It is often assumed that data risks are always external rather than internal. This is not true. Going by the historic records, most of the data breaches have occurred internally. Employees often inadvertently breach data policies. In response to that, many organizations have banned camera phones and USB drives. Such strict policies are the need of the hour for a perfect hospital IT management.

The above four risks should make you aware of the vulnerabilities your healthcare service is exposed to on a daily basis. Do a constant analysis of your systems and upgrade them to robust levels.

Arjun Walia is a prolific Mumbai-based freelance writer who writes on numerous topics including Critical access hospital solutions, Healthcare management system and Patient information system to name a few.

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