Friday, 20 June 2014

How Application Load Testing Can Help Your Business Grow

Friday, 20 June 2014 - by Unknown 0

How Application Load Testing Can Help Your Business Grow

Almost every company around the world has a website. A website should be easy to use, easy to navigate, fast to load and manage a number of users visiting the pages at any given time. Failure to tick all these boxes can result in your customers moving to another site offering the same products and services that you have on offer.

The aim of application load testing is to determine how the application will hold up under load. This means it is there to ensure that your website is able to withstand peak periods before you launch it for all your customers to take advantage of.

This software solution will help you determine how many users can be using the application at any given time. This is a very important consideration, especially if you are a larger business that can have up to a hundred users searching your site at any given time. You need to always be sure that your site is able to meet your customer's demands in terms of speed and usability.

It is a fact that a customer visiting your site will move on quickly if the pages take too long to load or they are not able to access the pages they want to access. This can result in customer loss, which means loss of potential revenue.

Application load testing can pick up where the problems lie with your application. This could be network configuration issues, enabling you to rectify the problem before launching the site. This is such a useful tool, which advises you where the problems lie, enabling you to take control of the situation and fix any problems before customers start moving elsewhere.

Another important element that application load testing can identify is any software configuration issues. In some cases you may find that there is a small bug in the software and once fixed the site runs smoothly without glitches. It's better to know in advance than realize that your traffic is dropping and you don't know why.

The developer may have glitches in the code used to design the site, which may impact the overall performance and how it manages load. This is another thing that can be identified through application load testing. Again, you are able to go back to the drawing board, identify the issues and rectify them with time to spare before you launch your application.

Always ensure you test throughout the development process, this way problems can be identified early, rather than finding the problem the day before launch.
Other problems which the software may identify are hardware problems. Sometimes the hardware you are using isn't enough once under heavy load, which can create problems once your site starts to draw traffic.

The aim of the application load testing software is to help you retain your customers rather than to lose them. By keeping customers happy and giving them the ability to find your site useful, easy to use and fast to load, they will keep coming back. It is a fact that customers who are unable to find what they are looking for or find pages take too long to load, are less likely to return to that site in the future.

Finally, application load testing can help you save money in the long run. As long as you carry out tests throughout the development process and pick up problems along the way, you won't need to pay additional fees for maintenance and repairs once the application is live for all your customers to take advantage of.

Reflective Solutions is a company dedicated to providing the highest quality software and services to help customers protect and increase their revenue and brand. The company ensures their customers don't experience performance problems. The company's performance testing tool "Stress Tester" is recognized by industry analysts from around the world. Reflective Solutions provide testers that are easy to use with return on investment seen within a short period of time. They offer a selection of top testing and monitoring tools for all company types. To find our more, visit Reflective Solutions

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