Tuesday, 22 July 2014

9 Reasons to Invest In a Student Tracking System

Tuesday, 22 July 2014 - by Unknown 0


Student Tracking Systems are hardware and software packages designed to monitor school bus related location and activities of students in a non-intrusive method. It makes use of technologies such as RFID and GPS tracking to pin point the location of a student and provide real-time information to parents and the school management. These systems are considered to provide extra safety to students travelling in school buses while also making management of the school bus fleet less complicated for the school authorities.

Student tracking systems are slowly but steadily gaining popularity all over the world. As each year passes, an increasing number of schools are issuing mandatory identity cards with RFID tags. But a lot of school administrators are apprehensive about adopting this system to their schools. Some of them cite student privacy as the main cause of worry.

Others are simply afraid to embrace new technology. However, the positives of the student tracking system far outweigh the negatives. Here are nine reasons why it is a good idea for every school to invest in a student tracking system.

'Missing Student' Warnings
If a student has not boarded the school bus, the bus driver, the parents and the school authorities will get notified instantly. The warning will help in avoiding situations where students are left stranded in school after missing the school bus.

Reassure Worried Parents
It is natural for parents to worry over their children's safety, if the school bus is delayed during the evenings. This situation is avoided if the school has invested in student tracking system. The real-time GPS tracking allows parents to know the location of their children by just taking a glance at the tracking system's mobile application.

Dealing with kidnapping, truancy, or similar situation
Kidnapping is such a horrific word for any parent. In 2013, there was an incident in Arkansas, USA when a school bus with 11 children was kidnapped.

The kidnapper had blended in with the parents and sneaked into the bus to drive it away. As luck would have it, the school had implemented GPS tracking in their school bus fleet. Due to that, law enforcers were able to track the school bus efficiently and catch the hijacker within a couple of hours. Similar situations might arise anywhere, anytime, and student tracking system would be helpful to track down the school bus.

Wrong Stops
It is not uncommon for a child to alight at the wrong bus stop, to be left stranded at an unfamiliar place. With the RFID tags and GPS tracking, the student tracking system ensures children don't alight at the wrong stops, and if they do, there will be notifications sent to parents, driver and the school authorities.

Safer Field Trips and Outings
Field trips can be quite frustrating for teachers to manage, given that it is highly probable one or two students might go missing. But when you have the RFID card system, it would be easy to recognize if any of the children are missing.

Fuel Savings
To the management, a better student tracking system means they would also be able to map out routes better to shorten distances. Shorter distances mean lesser fuel consumption.

The mobile and web applications of the student tracking systems are accessible from anywhere. This allows parents and teachers to check upon their children's/students' details in a way that were not possible ever before. Parents will be able to monitor their child's attendance, home work, etc.

Better Parent-Teacher Communication
Parents and teachers get in touch with each other than ever before with the communication centre. No need for parents to take a day off just to pay fees or to hear a feedback from the teachers. It is all possible in a far easier way with the student tracking system's mobile application.

Accurate Billing
For school management, a proper vehicle tracking system provides data regarding the distance covered by the school bus. It also helps to keep a tab on any maintenance issues that might be required for the vehicles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aswathy_P

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