By James Geddes, Tech Times | July 8, 9:49 AM
Microsoft was once one of the biggest players in the smartphone world. Of course, at the time, Apple's iPhone was still a seedling growing secretly inside apple and the term 'Android' to smartphone fans conjured up images of an actual robot and not the green mascot or mobile OS from Google.
Smartphones at the time were powered by BlackBerry OS, Palm OS and Windows Mobile. Nokia's Symbian OS was very big in many regions, but never took off with American consumers. Microsoft's Windows Mobile smartphones were made by many of the same Android smartphone makers such as HTC, Samsung, LG and Sony.
Microsoft purchased Nokia so it could produce its own smartphones by a company that is already the most successful Windows Phone licensee and the confidence in a proven track record of building some of the most popular cell phones and smartphones through the years. The purchase of Nokia also came with a pipeline of low-end Android-based smartphones that were seen as a replacement for the company's aging Asha line of inexpensive handsets. These devices are called the Nokia X and Nokia XL.
The idea of Microsoft releasing an Android smartphone seemed like a complete shock, but it actually makes sense. Microsoft currently makes more money off of Android than it does with Windows Phone. The company has an undisclosed licensing agreement with Android manufacturers, because Microsoft has shown them that Android infringes on many of Microsoft's patents and rather than being sued, they have agreed to pay Microsoft somewhere between $5 to $15 on every Android smartphone and tablet sold or face a potential lawsuit from Microsoft.
It looks like Microsoft may take on a multi-OS approach to increase its smartphone and tablet market share, make tons of money in the process, and use Nokia's Lumia line to introduce the high-end Android smartphones.
The reliable tipster, evleaks has posted a message on his site that reads, "Big news: Android powered Lumia incoming, from Nokia by Microsoft." Since the devices will be part of the upcoming "from Nokia by Microsoft" branding, Lumia smartphones will soon take on and it could suggest that Android fans will finally get something they've been asking for years; a high-end Android-based Lumia smartphone from Nokia.
As always, it's best to take new of upcoming rumored devices with a huge grain of salt. We'll keep you posted once we hear any more news.