Thursday 12 June 2014

Cloud Storage - Is It Really a Safe Option?

Thursday 12 June 2014 - by Unknown 0


Cloud Storage - Is It Really a Safe Option?

Expert Author Elizebeth KellyThe analogy of a cloud to describe this new innovative form of computing somewhat accurately depicts the very nature of this new technology. Long gone are the days when storage had necessarily to be on physical hard drives, located within the confines of your CPU. The age of mobile computing is upon us, and like it or not, it is changing the very nature of what digital media and storage is and what it will become in the near future.
In the new grand scheme of things, we are physically detached from our data which actually makes it more mobile. It seems that the rat race of producing ever minuscule storage technology is no longer the defining feature of the current IT industry. It's all about the cloud from now on. Save all your data on storage devices across the far stretches of the globe and access it from your smart phone, desktop computers, tablets, work stations and hundreds of other digital platforms.
Yet, the question which one really ought to ask is how secure can cloud storage really be. After all, separation of your data from your computers and other IT devices really does imply that they would no longer be under your physical control, hence the apparent danger. The idea that their most intimate messages, emails, pictures, videos, bank account details and so much more, is saved on remote computers, far beyond your physical reach may really scare some. Additionally, the prospects get all the more daunting, when one considers if the entire internet becomes a thriving ground for a virus which effectively inhibits access to global internet.
Will one be able to ever retrieve their data if the internet is no longer accessible? What about the physical security of this new form of computing? Could they be trusted with valuable corporate and governmental data? Are also they not prone to hackers? What if someone hacks into an entire cloud storage system and steals all data contained within it?
Such questions undoubtedly carve an unnerving outlook towards technology in general. Pessimists may argue that the dawn of the era when computers take over our lives is upon us. They may be correct up to an extent, but nonetheless there are a few basic steps which can prevent the likelihood that your data will be under dangerous possession.
First and foremost, always make sure that you only use a reputed cloud storage platform to store your files. Additionally, investing in a good anti-virus on all platforms from which you access your data is even more essential. This will ward off any threats which you may confront from hackers stealing your password. Furthermore, making sure that your host server uses best encryption software on cloud storage is also important, as it is the only guarantee that hackers won't be able to steal your personal information. It is only once that you use a combination of these methods that cloud storage can really be of use to it. Unfortunately, there will always be a certain level of risk associated with this particular form of computing which can never be eliminated and so we really must learn to live with it.
One should always go for a secure cloud storage with some amount of free space to test the security level of it. Data protecto is one of them.
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