Thursday 12 June 2014

Obstacles to Address With the Use of Classroom Computers

Thursday 12 June 2014 - by Unknown 0

Obstacles to Address With the Use of Classroom Computers

Expert Author Jacky L SmithThroughout the past few years, the majority of educational institutions have implemented new technology, including classroom computers, smart boards and other connected systems for Internet and content access. While these resources have opened the doors for innumerable new teaching possibilities, there are also a few challenges that come with the deployment of such arrangements. However, when systems are launched in conjunction with classroom management software, these issues can be effectively addressed for successful use of classroom computers and other electronics

Merging of formal and informal learning

One main challenge of utilizing technology in schools is the shift that must occur within typical lesson plans. Experts have pointed out that a number of institutions continue to utilize the traditional lecture and testing format, which does not make the best use of classroom computers and other educational online resources. Educators must be able to blend a range of different teaching approaches to optimize the use of technological systems. For example, many schools now leverage a "flipped classroom" approach, where students are introduced to new topics outside of the classroom, conserving class time for discussions, projects and experiments. In this way, students can view videos and connect with interactive content at any time, allowing them to take better control of their education and learn at their own pace.
"[D]esigning an effective blended learning model is a key, but the growing success of the many non-traditional alternatives to schools that are using more informal approaches indicates that this trend is here to stay for some time," MindShift stated

Allowing for adequate access
In addition to recreating lesson plans to make the best use of classroom computers, educators must also ensure that students have adequate time to utilize the technology. These systems cannot be effective in backing classroom exercises if teachers only set aside a few moments a day for student use.
Furthermore, if educators assign homework that hinges on the ability to access the Internet, they should check that students have the ability to utilize a computer outside the classroom. Some individuals may not have a home computer, making it difficult for them to complete assignments of this kind. However, teachers can suggest after-school use of classroom computers or nearby library resources for students without at-home workstations

Challenges for substitute teachers

Another issue to address is when classroom technology responsibilities fall to substitute teachers. On days when the regular educator is out, he or she must be sure to leave a detailed lesson plan for the sub so that the individual has a full understanding of the school's classroom computer usage policy and what students will be working on that day.
Additionally, schools should consider implementing classroom management software such as Insight by Faronics for better oversight of technological resources. Such a program can help educators and substitutes supervise the use of classroom computers and ensure that these systems are being utilized appropriately by students.
Educational technology blogger loves to research and write about tools and tips for educators on how to integrate technology into everyday instruction creatively and effectively. Fond of reading and writing. I would like to recommend Faronics Insight for managing the classroom in better way.

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