Monday 9 June 2014

Things to Do With Gists on Github

Monday 9 June 2014 - by Unknown 0


Things to Do With Gists on Github

Expert Author Arnel Y Colar

Github is a popular website for developers as it is the fastest way to share codes. The website hosts more than 12 million open source projects, including games, books, and even fonts. Github is the largest code repository on the internet.
If you just need to dump code snippets, there is Gists. Gists is another useful service from Github that developers use to dump their code snippets. If you've heard about PasteBin or Pastie, Gist is similar but more polished. It is free from advertising and comes with plenty of features

Write a To-do list

If you are a to-do list girl/guy, you will love using Gist as a to-do list. GitHub has this thing called "GitHub Flavored Markdown" that allows you to write taks list.
Just go to, then create a new Markdown file.
Enter some markdown and create a secret Gist.
Write your list, then you're good to go

Track Changes Like a Wiki

When you edit the content of a Gist that has already been published, the previous version of it is preserved. You can view the Revisions tab to track the edits made over time. This can also be used for comparing text files

Use as a Writing Platform

While you can use Blogger, WordPress or Tumblr to publish blog posts, you can also use Gist to do the same. Just create a Gist in either plain text or in markdown format, then use to publish Gist as a standalone web page

Write Text Anonymously

You don't have to login to Github to use Gist. Just visit, then write a text on the space provided to create a Gist. You can choose to have it as a secret Gist so nobody can see it except you or publish it publicly

Use as a Web Clipper

Using an add-on in Google Chrome called GistBox, you can save snippets from the web page and paste it on a public or private gist. You can also add labels or hashtags to you Gist making discovery easier

Host a Single Page Website

You can write your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in plain text, sae it as index.html then use to server the rendered version of that file to appear as what it would in a browser.
Expect to have bandwidth constraints, but still, this is an excellent tool to try. You can also try Dropbox or Google Drive to host single page sites for free

Embed Gist in Web Pages

You can embed any Gist code in your webpage with just a single line of JavaScript code. The embedded Gist, maintain all the formatting and syntax highlighting that visitors of your website can easily fork your gist to their Github accounts

Manage Gist from the Desktop

Gisto is a free application that helps you manage your Gist outside the browser. You can search Gists, edit the content, view revision, and even share Gists. Gisto is available in Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. There is also an alternative application called GistBox that functions as a web app.

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